What am I doing to myself. I started my Second Life to have a life without responsibilities, without expectations. That would be so cool. Wandering around in a world where nothing hás to be done, where there is no preasure, no deadlines and no one to keep in mind. Total freedom in every thinkable way. Yeah.... Right.... Like I can do that! I was a fool believing that kind of place could exist. I'm way to much a people-person, I care way to much for others. It seems to be impossible to hide myself from Second Life. Ozark started to become more and more like me, the person behind the keyboard. Man... I think now he is me!
Does that feel bad? Does it make me sad? No, not at all... It makes me feel great! I like that Ozark guy! He could be a close friend of mine! Man, I love him for who he is! And I love the things he does....
He has lived through so much already. He has jobs, he met great other persons, he met love, lived love, lost love and met new love. My god! Is this trully a Second Life? Isn't this another First Life? I like to see it like something in between. Some things go into First Live, some stay to be Second Life..... Ozark kinda lives in the twilight zone somewhere between 1st and 2nd life. And that's the place he should be. There he feels fine, and therefor the guy behind the PC feels great also.
Thanks to all to make that twilight zone an amazing place to be. You rock my worlds. Both 1st and 2nd.....